I'm a Greenwood Parent
Parent Resources
All Pro Dads
Dads and Chili Make for a Great Night!
The dads of Greenwood Elementary gathered at the school recently to hold their very first ALL PRO DADS Chili cook-off. The dads cooked up a variety of different types of chili with all the fixins for everyone to enjoy. Faculty and staff served as judges and Dr. Allie Brooks gave words of wisdom and encouragement. First, second, and third place trophies were awarded to the dads and their Greenwood student.
The Speaker That Brought Tears
Mr. Mark Drummond owner of Chick-fil-A on Irby Street in Florence was the guest speaker for the October All PRO DADS breakfast. Mr. Drummond gave a very personal, power and emotional speech about the importance of faith, family, and not putting your career before your family. As Mr. Drummond shared with our dads many were brought to tears but also gained insight. The crowd of more than 300 left this breakfast with a great deal to think about. Our ALL PRO DADS Chili cook-off is our next event.
Parent Teacher Association
Greenwood APT
All parents are invited and encouraged to purchase an APT sponsorship. The Greenwood APT is a non-profit organization that supports our school in many ways. We are very fortunate to have a large number of interested and active parents who serve our school through a variety of programs.
The APT offers four levels of sponsorship - Individual, $1.00; Family, $5.00; Silver, $10.00; and Gold, $25.00.
APT volunteers are needed as room parents and also to help out with various events sponsored by the APT. If you are interested in volunteering, please email aptgreenwood@gmail.com. We need YOU to help make Greenwood an even better place to learn!!
APT By-Laws
All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.
Due to COVID-19, our participation within the school is limited. We will have virtual APT meetings and links will be sent via text before the meetings.
President: Alexis Gregg (alexishatfield11@gmail.com)
Vice President: Retta Fox (foxfamilyfour@att.net)
Treasurer: Kathy Morris
Secretary: Kimberly Morris
GES Staff Liaison: Chasity Padgett
September 29th Meeting Minutes
GES APT Informational ZOOM Meeting Minutes 09/29/2020 6PM
We had about 35 people join in. Which was a wonderful turnout!
Welcome all! My name is Alexis Gregg and I am the APT President at Greenwood Elementary. We wanted to welcome you all and do a quick overview of the APT at Greenwood.
Board members are:
Vice President: Retta Fox Treasurer: Kathy Morris Secretary: Kimberly Morris
Our GES Staff Liaison is Chasity Padgett (Attendance Clerk)
We also welcome new board members. If you are interested, please contact front office or email at the bottom of the page!
**This is a very NEW & DIFFERENT School year for us all***
Some things APT has done in the past that we just want to discuss at this time:
1. Fundraisers: Normally do 1 in the Fall and 1 in the Spring. Some fundraisers we have done in the past are Krispy Kreme, Tidal Wave, Orange Card and Charleston Wrap.
**Due to COVID we have been tossing up ideas on what we could offer. I believe we are leaning towards an ONLINE only fundraiser for the Fall. **
2. Membership Drives! Normally we setup a table at registration and/or other school functions. Parents/Students/Guardians/Teachers/Staff ALL are encouraged to join! We would LOVE to have everyone apart of this great association! If you would like to donate money or time, please contact the front office!
3. Teacher/Staff Grants at the beginning of the school year. With this the staff member submits a request and we try our best to fulfill the wants/needs for them.
*** Due to COVID we have postponed this to revisit after the first of the year***
4. Back to school luncheon/End of the year luncheon for the staff.
a. APT did Lil D’s Restaurant at the end of last year. It was neat how it was setup. With that being the start of COVID, they could go through the drive thru and pickup their plate that day!!
b. At the beginning of this school year we purchased Chick Fil A boxes for the staff members! We also raffled off some gift cards at this luncheon!!
5. Teacher/Staff Treats was normally done about 4 times a year. Students/Parents would provide finger food snacks for the staff. With COVID we feel that it is best to postpone that and possibly do a Staff Snack day. APT can purchase some of their favorite snacks!
6. In the past APT has hosted Breakfast for Parents/Grandparents/Guardians.
**Due to COVID we will not be doing this at this time. **
7. Holiday Decorations! APT setup and took down. (wreaths, tree, tree decorations)
**Pending Projects: Canvas pictures for front office. Need approval on pictures. **
Next ZOOM Meeting to discuss things in more detail is October 27, 2020. We will send out emails when it is closer to time.
Some of the topics that were asked tonight was:
Ø How is the supply for disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer? Dr. Collins stated that the district office has provided a good amount and right now they were okay.
Ø Paper towels for the classroom since they are eating meals in their rooms. APT will get these, hopefully by the first of next week.
Ø Chromebook issue: Dr. Collins and Toni Allen replied to this question and stated that they can call the school so they can get a loaner ready, and just bring the defected Chromebook in.
Ø PowerSchool: Dr. Collins answered this question as well. Please contact Chasity Padgett in the attendance office and she can make sure you have the correct login information.
Ø Lysol Spray: The district did not supply them with disinfectant spray. APT hopefully can track some down and get it sent to them ASAP.
Ø The librarian, Toni Allen, also stated that they have several Chromebooks that were turned in to be fixed that are now FIXED. Please check your students email if they had one turned in!
Huge THANK YOU to everyone who attended and taking the moment to catch up on the minutes!
Alexis Gregg Retta Fox
Alexishatfield11@gmail.com foxfamilyfour@att.net